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Within this section you will be able to find lots of information that you require as a parent at Carterhatch. Please click on the links on the left to go to the relevant pages.

Please contact Miss Cameron our Family and Pastoral Support Officer  if you have any concerns either about your child, yourself or your family, or if you would just like some advice on 0208 804 2101 extension 2.

Our Family and Pastoral Support Officer works closely with parents/carers to help breakdown barriers which may affect their children’s achievement at school. These include attendance, punctuality, healthy eating, behaviour, learning, home life issues etc.

For information on Co-Parenting with Care courses from Family Lives running in February and March 2025, please click here.

Worrying about money please click here.

For further parental support and advice, please go to the following services:

Organisation What do they offer Contact details

Parent helpline for children and adolescents with
mental health issues. 


Parents helpline - 0808 802 5544


A range of adult online courses are  being offered by Barnet and Southgate College.  If you are interested in joining any, just complete the enquiry form on their website.  Tel: 020 8266 4000



The Young Carers Project (EyPIC) provides support to children and young people aged 5 to 18 who are undertaking a caring role, and is based at the Enfield Carers Centre. 


Tel: 020 8366 3677  email:


Enfield Educational Psychology Service is the main provider of psychological services
to Enfield schools and early years settings.
Tel: 020 8379 2000
Twitter - @ENFIELDEP

Enfield Council Domestic Abuse Hub


The Domestic Abuse Hub will provide a m
ulti-agency response to anyone fleeing
domestic abuse.

Tel: 0800 923 9009


Support for children
and young people
Tel: 0800 1111


Support and advice relating to all aspects of family life that include all stages of a child’s development, issues with schools and parenting/ relationship support. We also respond when life becomes more complicated and provide support around family breakdown, aggression in the home, bullying, teenage risky behaviour and mental health concerns of both parents and their children.

Tel: 0808 800 2222
Image result for nspcc


Information and advice on how to keep children safe, online safety and support for parents.

Helpline: 0808 800 5000
Positive Parenting



Family Based Solutions works with the whole family to end the abuse and repair family relationships.

Tel:  020 8363 6262

Informed Families: Enfield’s Family Information Service


Informed Families (IF) is a free, impartial advice and signposting service which is part of Enfield Council’s School and Early Years’ Improvement Service that provides Family Information and Support on services for 0  to  25  year-olds.

Tel: 0800 694 1066

Informed Families (

Parent Support Unit


The Parent Support Unit works with families to achieve positive outcomes for children aged 0-18 years and offer Parenting Support Programmes.

Tel: 0208 379 2002


Childrens Portal

The new way to access children and family services for public and professionals.