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Connect Education Trust

Keeping Fit and Healthy

As part of Year 4's word homework about what exercise has meant for them during their time away from school, Khadijah has produced a very informative account about her exercise routine.  She has also written, in detail, about her recent visit to Epping Forest which can be read below.  

My Epping Forest Walk

My nan took me to Epping Forest and at first, we saw the enormous lake with beautiful ducks and geese swimming in it.  Then we passed a frightening troll bridge and after that we saw an amazing tree and we said it looked very easy to climb it, so as you can see in this picture I did!

It was hard climbing the tree, but as you can see, I managed to do it, although I was very tired afterwards.  After my mission of climbing the tree I caught my breath back and we started running for a little bit.  The view was so spectacular that we could run forever.

Whilst we were there, we had a very fun adventure and we were looking at the trees and leaves to discover what happened to them.  For example, one tree looked like a kneecap and we saw that it was broken.  We also saw some huge, brown, beautiful, shimmering horses and I asked to touch them, but they were young and still training, so I was not allowed.  We also saw pretty flowers and I think I saw a black cat with green eyes too.

We were walking in Epping Forest for three hours, but it felt like we were there all day.  I still wanted to stay longer but it started raining, so we had to go back in the car and head home.