The Felix Project

We are pleased to be part of the Schools Programme for the Felix Project.
More than 10 million tonnes of food is wasted in the UK every year whilst food poverty is a growing problem and parents struggle to put food on the table. The Felix Project will provide a free weekly delivery of surplus food to our school every Wednesday for distribution to our families.
Some of the food will be near to or past its 'best before' date. 'Best before' dates are about quality, not safety. When the date is passed it does not mean that the food will be harmful, but it might begin to lose its flavour and texture. It is perfectly safe to eat.
For further information about the project please log on to The Felix Project's website at
If you would like to order food, please give your own carrier bag clearly marked with your child's name and class, to a member of staff at the gate by Tuesday each week. If your bag is not received by Tuesday, we will not be able to provide food.
Food bags must be collected on Wednesdays from the playground between 2:20-2:40pm only.