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Pupils are taught to read, write and speak fluently so that they can access the full curriculum.  Pupils will acquire the skills to have a strong command of the spoken and written language and develop a love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment.  In writing, pupils are aware of audience, purpose and context with an increasingly wide knowledge of vocabulary and grammar.

The use of high quality CLPE texts and selected Literacy and Language units promote meaningful
links with foundation subjects where appropriate. Core texts are carefully reviewed on an on-going basis to ensure they are culturally diverse and inspiring, whilst at the same time introducing pupils to a wider range of modern, award-winning authors. For example recent new units studied and Read Alouds (class stories) include: “Ellie and the Cat” by Malorie Blackman and Year 6 study “Mohinder’s War” by Bali Rai, a story inspired by the story of Mohinder Singh Pujji, a Sikh RAF pilot in World War II.

Reading skills are taught in discreet daily reading lessons. The lessons equip pupils with both word reading (de-coding) and language comprehension skills. We explicitly teach comprehension and develop pupil’s inference skills through our ‘MIDAS’ approach.

A new library was opened in spring 2021. Working with Westminster Local Authority consultants,
thousands of texts were carefully selected to complement the new curriculum and to ensure they are representative of our pupils. Each class has a weekly visit to the library and lunchtime visits are supervised by our pupil librarians. Daily, independent reading for pleasure is timetabled everyday. In spring 2023 the school will be working with the Literacy Trust to further enhance the use of the library as part of a “reading for pleasure” project.

Early Reading/Phonics
We use a rigorous, systematic approach to early reading, ‘No Nonsense Phonics’, which is validated by the DfE. The scheme develops pupils’ accuracy and fluency, building confidence and cultivating a love of Reading. The programme provides a comprehensive step by step method for teaching reading, handwriting and spelling through a series of carefully designed phonics routines to master the complex English Alphabetic code.

Home Reading
The Bug Club home reading scheme offers a comprehensive library of age-related digital fiction and non-fiction text for all pupils. For early readers phonics-based banded digital texts are
assigned, as well as physical books from a range of schemes; Heinemann Rapid, OUP Code X and
Project X.  

Please click here for top tips to support reading at home

Please click here and link below to see guidance for Reading with TRUST

Helping home learning Read with TRUST

Helping home learning Talk with TRUST

Please click here for Reading at Carterhatch - Parent meeting Aut 23

Please click here for National Curriculum English