Re-booking of Tolmers Camp residential trip (Yr6)
Re-opening of school for Year 5 pupils
Fitzgerald - reopening of school information
5 Lennox - reopening of school information
5 McCartney - reopening of school information
5 Lennox - British Museum - 30.9.19
5 McCartney - British Museum - 1.10.19
5 Fitzgerald - British Museum - 3.10.19
5 Lennox - Enfield Islamic Centre - 9.12.20
5 McCartney - Enfield Islamic Centre - 10.12.20
5 Fitzgerald - Enfield Islamic Centre - 12.12.20
5 McCartney - Dugdale Centre - 20.1.20
5 Lennox - Dugdale Centre - 21.1.20
5 Fitzgerald - Dugdale Centre - 23.1.20
Author visit (Catherine Johnson) - 6.3.20
Yr6 - Tolmers Residential - 9-11 Sept 20